Kategoriarkiv: Sociala medier

Bromsar eller skyddsnät mot sociala medier?

A business executive who turns away from social media because she recognizes, but does not fully understand, the legal risks, will soon find herself faced with competitors that have captured increased market share through social media. Some of those competitors … Fortsätt läsa

Publicerat i 1-1, Skolutveckling, Sociala medier | Märkt , , | Lämna en kommentar

The Flipped classroom – what is it?

In class, the instructor uses a Socratic method of teaching, where questions and problems are posed and students work together to answer the questions or solve the problems. The role of the instructor is to listen to conversations and engage … Fortsätt läsa

Publicerat i 1-1, Formativ bedömning, LGR 11 och GY11, Skolutveckling, Skrivverktyg, Sociala medier | Märkt , , , , | Lämna en kommentar